Saturday, March 7, 2009


Dinner with my buffet buddies. As you can clearly see, I am the only one that looks like she swallowed the buffet table. I am learning that napkins come in handy for hiding fat rolls. However, in this picture I clearly had not mastered the
"hiding fat through napkin positoning".
My buffet experiences have taught me that when DINING at a buffet, napkins will be the only item available to use as a "doggy" bag. For some unknown and (in my opinion) selfish reason, buffets owners frown on customers taking food home with them. Therefore, I have developed the "take home in a napkin" technique. Looking at the fat rolls around my mid section, I would be better off leaving the napkins at the buffet. But I have some primitive need about "getting my money's worth." I have to say that this buffet really didn't have anything worth smuggling out in a napkin, except the amazing Macaroons. I confess: I smuggled out 4 Macaroons! The rest of the food was underwhelming.
Lesson learned from this dining experience:
If someone says "Chinese" and "Buffet" in the same sentence:
I am looking forward to a great weekend; I leave work a little after noon on Friday, (2-27-09)and start driving to SLC to have a Bumma and the girls weekend. I stop in Provo to check out a new couch at RC Willey, and am getting back on the freeway and hear.... urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......squeal..............
Now the blonde in me is thinking, "just go faster and the urrrrrrrrrrr.......(squealing) will go away. Ummmmmmmmm... right. Not only does the noise not go away, the speedomoter goes up to 70 but the car speed is stuck at about 25 mph. I pull over, shaking so hard I can hardly get the car into park, and do what all intelligent blondes do in a time of crisis.......Call mommy and daddy. Mom assures me they are in their car and coming to my rescue. Meanwhile, I decide to try to start the car again and see if it will magically start working again. (Again, the brain cells of a blonde.) I start the car again, get back on the road, and YES, YES, YES, the car is moving. Accelerate again up to 70, car stays at 25 mph. Pull back off the road. Call parents again. HELP! Call Amber and tell her, I am going to be delayed,my car has broke down. (I do not say this calmly, I am still hysterical) Amber of course offers to come and rescue me. I tell her no, help is coming, and I'll call her back when I know more. Lindsay calls, and says "mom, call a tow truck, even though Grandma and Grandpa are coming, what are they going to do? You have roadside assistance on your insurance, so get your car towed to a service garage." WOW! I created this intelligent creature! I call the insurance company, and they send a tow truck. Fortunately, the tow truck arrives at the same time as my parents. (What a blessing, I was having stress thinking about having to drive to a garage with the tow truck driver, which in my mind would be a stinky, fat, gross old man.) Tow truck driver arrives, who amazingly is clean, fit, and KIND! He pulls up and loads my car in about 3 minutes, and we follow him to Pep Boys for diagnosis and repair. To make this long story short we have a broken/fallen/dropped/no good/whatever the correct auto jargon is
This was not the begining of a good weekend.

After arriving in Salt Lake, (by the courtesy of Dad and Mom Express, and the Shepherd Shuttle, the Bumma and the girls weekend officially begins.
First stop-DISNEYLAND, with Cinderella and Snow White as your hostesses. Oops, my mistake, it's Cali and Macie in thier finest princess outfits,(unfortunately, you can't see the clacky plastic heels under the princess dresses...) while waiting for their Happy Meals at McDonalds.


8 year old girls, DO NOT go out in public in a princess dress. On the other hand, 4 year old girls, do not consider themselves properly dressed without their clacky plastic heels, and princess dress.

Jameson chillin. He's happy as long as he has milk and dry pants. Simple pleasures.

Lola....she's growing on me, but not enough to want my own piece of furball/face licker/pooper.
(Are you listening kids, Bumma DOES NOT need or want an animal to keep her company.)

E'nuff said

Cousins, and best friends. Macie loves to read like her Bumma, Cali loves to eat chocolate and candy, more like her Bumma

Somebody warn Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson; the next Olympic Champion is practicing her cartwheels. (note to photographter: take some photography lessons on centering subjects)

Cousins by Birth.....but Sisters at Heart

My sentiments exactly. Sleep is a good thing. Actually, sleep is a VERY good thing

Contemplating the trip back to Idaho. At least you have a reliable car to get you back home. And in case you are wondering, I did not get my car back until Friday, March 7. And because I am a spoiled brat, my wonderful parents personally delivered it to my house. They drove to Provo, picked it up and drove it over 300 miles back to me! Not only that, they loaned me their car until mine was fixed.


  1. Mom. Who knew? That was one of the funniest reads I have read in a long time. I am actually laughing out loud at your mis-fortune, some great creature you created!!?? Seriously mom. I am so bummed that this happened, BUT you did tell a great story and got some great pictures out of the deal.

  2. Wow that was the best story I have read in a long time! You should be a writer I am impressed! I love the Princesses at McDonald's. And Little Jameson is so handsome!!! Sorry about your car thats awful!!! You do have amazing parents though, we love you all!!!

  3. How did I not know you had a blog!! I saw Lindsay's post on her blog leading the way to here. I loved the story!! I think Lindsay loved it because you called her an intelligent creature! She is a smarty pants and I know she gets it from her mom! I mean, who else would think to try to drive the car at 70 mph on the interstate after it broke down 5 minutes before!! Ha Ha! You are funny! Seriously though, I would have freaked! I think you handled it great! You are lucky your parents live close! Love ya!

  4. First, your comment on my blog was entirely too nice. No extra points for buttering me up. ;)

    And this story was hilarious! Cars suck. I will be back!!
