In the world of Urology
you meet some
people, with some very "odd different problems".
Example #1
A newly married couple comes in to the office.
It is the 1st marriage for both.
The interesting part? Both are virgins........
in their 80's.
in their 80's.
The odd different problem: They need the doctor to explain how to
have "relations" so they can "have seed". ( I could NOT make this up)
They have no idea (how to put this?....) how things function.
'Nuff said...
Example #2
Phone rings...................
Woman on phone: What are the chances of gettng pregnant
if a man gets "fixed" and how much does it cost?
Nurse: You mean a vasectomy? It is considered a permanent procedure.
Chances of a pregnacy after a vasecomy are 1 in 1000.
In fact, the only thing more successful in preventing a pregnancy is abstinence.
Woman on phone: Ohhhh.......well how much does THAT cost?
Regains composure
(lets be honest here, she laughs hysterically.)
Regains composure
(lets be honest here, she laughs hysterically.)
Nurse: Thank you for holding....abstinence means that you don't have sex "relations"
Woman on phone: silence
The interesting part? Besides the vast medical knowledge you are gaining from this post?
Right. Won't go there.
Relations + Urology + Me =
The interesting part? Besides the vast medical knowledge you are gaining from this post?
Right. Won't go there.
Relations + Urology + Me =
23 years of employment in this exciting, heart pumping, Uroworld.
No wonder I'm single.