Saturday, February 12, 2011


Water Beads....
put pellets in water
and in 12 magic hours
You have water marbles....
freaky, cool, and
a fun diversion for the kids...
Do you see a theme here?
Think: Khloe in the background
Because of the exuberance of the boy on the left,
we had to make the water marbles
an OUTSIDE toy.
Guess who had water marble fights with the neighbor kids.... 
Macie preparing to show us her 
experiment of taste, smell, and touch
she learned at school  
First we smelled sprinkes.....
Next ....Chili powder
and my personal favorite
The Caramel Pecan Bar...
Before we go ANY further though I have to clarify that
NO I did not go out in public with
my pajama bottoms on...
I thought the mismatched contrasting colors would keep you guessing
as to how my sanity level was holding up......
(very well, by the way)
Then we were instructed to taste things ....
but to plug our noses
We were served bread, bananas, and bubble gum.
No, I don't know her reasoning....
But at least she didn't feed us the chili powder! 
Dalan has his turn with the taste test.... 
And yes,
He did want to feed us a water marble....
but was FOILED by a watchful mother.

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